the liber institute
website design
completed in 2022
case study breakdown
the client.
The Liber Institute is a nonprofit that works to directly fix the issues pertaining to the education gap within indigenous communities across the continental united states. by providing underserved communities with adequate resources, they empower students with the tools needed to perform at their highest potential.
the challenge.
while many studios prefer to work within the design guidelines they’ve developed for a client, we are happy to build off of pre-existing brand books you may have. for this project, we did just that to ensure the final product was up to date while still retaining an air of familiarity.amidst new and improved design deliverables.
the solution.
no web design project ever looks the same. for The Liber Institute, we chose to work backward by first developing a site map centered around the idea of creating a public visual experience. this allowed the client to dream up their ideal user experience from which we could then work retroactively to design how that took shape.
the poché way.
do good-ers deserve dope design— that’s something we believe down to our core. with the community work being done at the Liber Institute, sprinkling in bits of poché razzle dazzle was simple. similarly to how real recognizes real, do good-ers always see one another and lend a helping hand where they see fit.
The Liber Institut ~
The Liber Institut ~
still scrolling? you must like what you see. no worries. if we did it once, we can do it again— and would love to do it for you!
what matters most
we care about what matters most to you.
be it distinct symbols and patterns that directly tie to your organization, color schemes that reflect your brand’s roots, or historical artifacts you want to carry into your new project. feel free to tell us your values and we’ll guarantee they shine through.
we love each and every single client who entrusts the outcome of their project in our hands. while we manifest the design destination of your dreams, you can rest assured you won’t be disappointed.
while we wish we could stay together forever (and we totally can), we make sure to leave you well-equipped to manage your project without us after the final delivery. while the nitty-gritty details may comprise of intricate details and design jargon mumbo jumbo, we make sure you are able to grow alongside your project by showing the necessary tools to sustain what we’ve created together.